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Property Virtual Tour For Real Estate Agents

Estate agents and property developers have sold, rented, or leased the property to the customer in the same traditional methods for some time. Small photo in the section belonging to newspapers and specialist magazines, two or three photographs on the company's website and features a window display in their offices.

But in the United States, Canada, and Asia real estate sellers have embraced the power of virtual tour to advertise commercial and residential properties to a global audience. With 80% of buyers begin their search for a property online using the internet; it is a logical step to take. You can take live virtual tours on demand from various online sources.

A virtual tour for a property can be seen by potential customers wherever they are in the world, 24/7 365 days a year. Instead of the usual 2 or 3 photos, slide show video that can incorporate 20 to 30 photos, and those with a larger budget can have their property professionally filmed.

A property filmed from a customer point of view (POV) allows buyers from the comfort of their home or office to have a virtual tour of the property and the surrounding area as if they were there.

Titles and banners can incorporate more information about the property, music, voice-over, or narration and even the presenter can add an extra professional touch to engage their buyers to sell their perfect property.

The property is an important first video look. They store estate agents, property developers, and buyer’s time and money from the look in vain.

Video properties can be embedded into websites estate agents or uploaded to popular video hosting websites such as YouTube and more. Link URLs can also be emailed to the client to view at their leisure.