Tag Archives: gerson therapy diet

Gerson Diet: Do Alternative Cancer Therapies Work?

Many people facing cancer choose alternative cancer therapies. These alternative cancer treatments are sometimes chosen in lieu of traditional treatments and sometimes they are taken in conjunction with the more traditional cancer therapies like chemotherapy and radiation.

Deciding upon a course of treatment for cancer is a personal decision that shouldn't be reached lightly. If you are dealing with cancer, you should thoroughly research alternative treatments and discuss them with your doctor so you can choose the best option for you.

Dietary changes are among the most popular alternative cancer therapies today. This includes juice fasting like the Gerson Diet which emphasizes the consumption of freshly juiced raw vegetables. You can also get the best gerson therapy diet via https://healnavigator.com/treatments/gerson-therapy/.

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The Budwig Diet is another popular alternative cancer treatment where you eat specific foods, namely cottage cheese blended with flax oil in order to bring about healing in your body.

The idea behind using diets to treat cancer is that a proper diet will nourish your body and allow it to become strong enough to defeat cancer. In addition, some foods are known to feed cancer cells, like sugar, and some foods are known to fight cancer, like broccoli sprouts. Green tea is another popular food used to treat cancer and prevent its occurrence because of its reported antioxidant abilities.

You may find that your doctor is not supportive of your decision to use alternative cancer therapies. In that case, you may want to seek advice from a holistic health care provider or herbal healer. You may even want to change medical doctors. Remember, it is your body and your health is your responsibility. While you want to make an educated decision, your course of treatment is ultimately up to you.