How to Get Fingernail Polish Out of Carpet?

Every girl loves painting her fingernails with nail polish. Unfortunately, if that polish gets on surfaces besides nails, it can be a big disaster! 

One of the worst places for fingernail polish is your carpeting. It can leave an obvious stain that seems impossible to get out. If this happens to you, don’t panic! Your carpet isn’t ruined forever! You can get nail polish off carpet via

nail polish off carpet

Here’s how to get fingernail polish out of carpet:

  • Clean up any kind of stain as soon as you notice it. The longer stains have to set in, the harder they are to get out.
  • Gently blot any excess spill with a paper towel until nothing comes off.
  • Scrape as much of the dry nail polish as you can out of the carpet. Use a dull knife or the side of a spoon.
  • Pour some non-oily nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol on a cloth and blot the stain. Repeat the process until no more nail polish comes off on your towel. Use the nail polish remover sparingly, because it can ruin the latex backing of your carpet.
  • Make a solution of liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water. You want a very watery mixture with hardly any soap. Make sure to use a dishwashing liquid that doesn’t contain lanolin or bleach.
  • Blot the stained area with a cloth dipped in the detergent solution. This will remove the nail polish remover and any last bits of fingernail polish. Dab the area dry with a paper towel. Repeat until you can no longer see a spot.
  • Rinse the area by spraying a mist of warm water.
  • Pile a bunch of paper towels over the area. Weigh down the paper towels with something heavy, like a stack of books. This will absorb all the moisture in about an hour.
  • Sprinkle a little carpet freshener on your clean, dry carpet, so it will smell nice 

These are some ways to remove nail polish from the carpet. If you fail to remove it, call the professionals.