Guide To SVG Design

A good understanding of SVG is a rare skill. Surprisingly often, SVG is treated as just another image format. We use SVG because of its scalability and smaller file size, but in reality, SVG is so much more!

In this article, I’ll shed light on three of the most popular design tools: Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, and Figma. There are also other tools available supporting SVG that may have other functionalities and implement other solutions. You can check out this link to buy the best SVG designs.

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Working with complicated shapes and graphics in a text-based format is utterly possible, but usually would be very tricky and tedious. Therefore, it’s common practice to use applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, or Figma to design graphics visually, and then export them to an SVG format.

So no matter if you’re a designer that codes or a design-conscious developer, a good proficiency in working with SVG requires a bit of knowledge from both sides: design tools and the SVG language itself.

To better understand the relation between the two, let’s take a closer look at what graphic design apps have to offer and how their features translate to SVG.