Tag Archives: ann arbor gluten free

Searching the Gluten Free Food for Your Health

Celiac disease is a medical condition in which the surface of the small intestine is damaged by gluten found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten sends signals to the body triggers an autoimmune reaction, which has much the same result as food poisoning. 

The symptoms of eating gluten vary, but often cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. Damage caused by gluten prevents the intestine absorbs nutrients, which are necessary for good health. Depending on one's gluten sensitivity, even small amounts of gluten may be all that is needed to trigger the reaction. The only treatment for celiac disease is to abstain from eating gluten forever. There is no known cure for celiac disease. If you are looking for the Gluten Free Food then you can visit https://eatpokepoke.com/locations/.

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Bakery products certainly have gluten, but it is amazing how many other foods contain gluten. Gluten is used for filler or thickener in many canned foods, processed foods, spices and sauces. Celiacs can control the supply of food in their own home by reading labels and be careful what they buy and eat. 

A simple thing such as dipping in butter for a second time when buttering the bread, can leave the bread crumbs in butter. This may be all that is needed to trigger an autoimmune reaction. Some Celiacs remove all gluten from their homes and everyone eat gluten-free, easier and safer that way.